Shannon & Shirley Austin

Marriage Inc.

Shannon and Shirley Austin have a marriage coaching business based out of Atlanta, Georgia called Marriage Inc.  They have been married for 22 years, together for 24.  They have experienced the gamut of emotions, from the highest highs to the lowest lows.  Their marriage has survived infidelities, hopelessness, financial deficits, near death health scares, loneliness, constant arguing, years of being disconnected, and a near homicide/suicide. 


We lived in a negative and unhealthy cycle that we just couldn’t seem to break. These experiences are what help us and our effectiveness in guiding couples through the process of achieving the marriage they’ve dreamed of creating.

We believe that everyone can win at marriage with the knowledge, right tools and willingness to learn, change, and grow. We have learned through trial and error, a myriad of experiences, extensive research, and professional training.  

We are evidence that relationships can flourish in ways you’ve never imagined with our signature brand of coaching. 

Shannon and Shirley Austin


Our signature coaching philosophy centers around the individual, then the couple.  We believe that the only person you can truly change is yourself.  With this intrinsic approach our goal is to focus each spouse’s attention on inward growth and development.   

At the end of our coaching process the goal is for each spouse to feel relaxed, recharged, and renewed, and ready to allow their spouse to experience the outward manifestation of the inward work they have been doing.